Tuesday, 27 August 2013

11 things every 1st year Engineer must be aware of.

First Year in Engineering, a year every amateur guy who enters engineering waits for, A year thats sets tone for a Normal individual to a possible Engineering degree. The degree that’s considered one of the toughest in the world. 

More importantly it’s a year that sets the tone for next 4 years of Engineering.

So lets get this straight, you studied Hard during your high school days.Set time Table every day. Combined your day and night just to reach this milestone, and you have finally made it , but again if you don’t take proper steps you let up missing some opportunities. So hear are the 11 things every First year engineer should be aware of.

   1It’s the start of your Professional Life

  In Engineering you are going to learn tons of new concepts in a very short period of time    and whatever you learn has some sort of practical application in your life.

  Programming logic of Dyamic Website such as Facebook Twitter are based on C languages.
  Mechanical problems are something that truly exist in real life.
  KVL KCL in Basic Electronics is something that really happens in many electronic    appliance.
  1st year in Engineering gives you a pre tour of what your professional life is going to be.

    2. It is tough for weak Hearted

 “Engineer is tough” , “1st year is too tough to crack” This is 1 line you may listen more often    from your immature seniors. Off course Engineering is tough, quite challenging. But always    remember  1 thing nothing great has been achieved without some pain and suffering.

tip off – When you hear someone demoralize you think of other successful engineers in your circle. Focus on the outcome and take advice from someone sensible.

  3.  A year to strengthen your base as an Engineer

This is a year where your batteries are going to drain out totally. College life from 9-5, a year when everything will seems new. Things will be presented to you in a complicated way(don’t confuse them as being difficult) which most teenagers don’t figure out. Strengthen up the base of your specialize subject.This preparation will pave way for your future successes.

  4.   Engineers Day

15TH September is celebrated every year as Engineers Day in India, as it is the birthday of legendary Engineer Sir Mokshagundam Visvesvaray (1861-1962).

  5.   Friends are your keys to success

  Engineering is all about team, your are like an athlete in a  “Relay” race rather than      thinking of  being a sprinter who runs alone.

  Always keep one thing in mind every teenager you come in contact with are scholars in    their own right so never judge anyone small.

  Be with this circle of people who inspire you, help you to find your motive in life, share    things with you and most of all help you push your forward every single day.

In Engineering “if you want to go fast walk alone but if you want to go far have a team”.

  6.   It is Normal for Bookworms

Engineers are smart, creative,  they are the people who amass tons of knowledge(or are force to learn so much during their hectic study schedule) in the 1st year itself.

When your enter your 1st year of Engineer many people will tempt you into believing that getting First class should be your only goal in college, which is totally wrong. If this is  your point of view in the 1st year you may end up being a bookworm who has no creativity, limited knowledge and atlast you may start doubting your smartness.

  7.   It is easy for guys and girls who have imagination

Follow your instincts,  listen to your gut feelings, move fast take risk. Its okay to try Big Things .it is better to try something and having it not work rather than trying nothing at all. Only when you start imagining you try to go beyond whats possible. Imagine things in your head whatever you write in real life.

This point may hardly make any practical sense right now but if you focus your mind on some specific goal this one will make sense to you.

  8.  Safe Zone

Engineering is brutal, awesome, full of KT’s ,it is what you imagine it to be. And so it’s really important to develop an positive attitude in the beginning .

Its about having fun, you may end up being in company of people who smoke, drink, may suffer break up’s, you will go through the high point of your life as well as the lowest low, regardless of whatever your situation make a point to be in a safe zone.

“ATKT(Allowed To Keep Term) is like a WAKE UP call. But a drop can destroy your spirit, don’t ever let that happen to you.”

   9. Every Single you should master your Craft

These things include FOLLOWING point no 1, 3, 7, 8. thoroughly. 

ACTIONS produced on a daily basis create Habits,Good or Bad.You choice makes the difference.

   10. Imagination is more important than knowledge
 " Imagination is more important than knowledge "

-        Albert Einstein 

Lets get this last one straight up. Whatever you study in Engineering are the fact's , innovations or discoveries which great visionaries have discovered during the peak period of their life.

Newtons discovered the 3 laws of Physics things related to gravity.
Albert Einstein introduced us to E=MC2..
Steve Jobs and Bill Gates saw computers as a tool that can enrich a average humans life and created a whole personal computer Industry.

These are few people who worked with resources that were available to them and created something out of their own thought process that had no existence before.

  "Some see whats possible that’s knowledge
 other change whats possible
 through IMAGINATION."

Friday, 2 August 2013

4 Great Things Every Great Engineer Deserves.

Teenager the word derive from tens and some of you reading this blog will be in your late teen, some of you actually studying in your dream college, pursuing an engineering degree that is taking you one step  closer to your dream. And a dream is nothing but a wish if you are not able to fulfill it. But even to achieve that dream we deserve few things that help us in this journey of our so called engineering college life.
To put these in simple words it is like a plant deserving water and sunlight to grow higher and higher. Great athlete deserving high endurance training, proper nutrition and tremendous discipline in his desired sports to make his carrier a success.
So what are the things that an engineering student  deserves through his exhaustive course of 4 years in College to keep him motivated through his tasks, push him Sem after Sem  without a drop in his momentum.

    1.  Great College

This is one of the prime things every good engineer deserves. A want to be in one of the best college in his or her city. Great colleges are masterpiece from the point of view shaping a student’s life.
The values one learns from college actually help teenagers become someone recognizable in the society.

   2.  Great Guru’s 

This one’s self explanatory, we have gurus from our childhood and they help in shaping various part of our life. Great Gurus inspire other to set higher goals, study things that help exercise critical thinking of one’s brain.  Guru’s illusion our mind into believing that anything is possible. Teach subjects in a desired manner so bunch of our time are saved, thus creating a totally different set of environment for learning.

                 3. Great Goals

 Goals are those chunks of imaginary pieces that push us every single day towards our Ambition. Ambition is that imaginary destination which manipulates our thinking process.
Setting small goals every Semester keeps one motivated through their span of 4 years in Engineering.

“Defining small achievable goals throughout  your years in college will make your days count rather than you counting your days.”

   4.  Critical Thinking

Critical Thinking means the broadest set of thinking. It is the ability to think clearly and rationally. Critical Thinking cannot be deserved it has to be developed and if we need to make a good carrier out of our college education we need to master this thinking. A CRITICAL Thinker always has an edge over other bookworm guys who have immense knowledge of memorizing a specific subject. It means thinking out of the box.

Have a mindset that lets you believe in yourself rather than taking guesses of other people as an advice. Things will start to happen only when you exercise the critical part of your brain that will eventually end up building confidence in you.

In life “Nothing comes for Free”. If that would have been the case the word granted would have been used more often in our daily life’s.

Great College, Guru’s, Friends are something that every engineer deserves but to actually sustain all the above two things we to need to develop sense of having determined Goals and act of critical thinking about things around us.

One last thing before we wind up.

"Dreams are nothing but wishes if we don’t act on them."